The show explores the status of liberty according to various artistic styles that mix urban pop, cartoon expressionism, abstract figuration, and minor surrealist narratives. Each aesthetic wonder advocates the very essence of freedom, through personal choices made daily. By imploring various creative expressions fueled by the many facets of life, the fantastic landscapes that define our inner reality and identity, lampoon contortions of the face mirroring displacement, casual expressions from the memorable angsty portrait of the city, levity from material weight through minimalist utterances, and festive patterns that form true living in color.
A collection of statements involving each individual voice can bring universal dialogue on the extent of personal liberties, which includes the value of creativity, that everything can be of such, despite its many contested dissimilarities. Thus, the escape from the same democratic contest could also be another form of alterity, away even from the conventional ties of liberty so to speak, being the beauty of choice.